Gick nyligen in på en av få MMA-kanaler som jag följer och förstås sitter snubben och snackar kryptovalutor. Han förespråkar kryptovalutan "Dash" som han anser kommer gå om Bitcoin. Man kan själv hör hans ord mellan
4.50 och 5.20 och även se hur hans ögon lyser när han talar om kryptovalutor. Detta kan inte sluta BRA!
Relativt nyligen träffade jag också en gammal bekant. Denna individ hade förstås fått för sig att stoppa in större delen av sitt kapital i Ethereum och Bitcoin (två kryptovalutor) sedan några månader tillbaka. När man diskutera lite med honom så insåg man ganska snabbt att han hade en "något" idealiserad bild av vad faktiskt dessa kryptovalutor är och vilken funktion de kan fylla, annat än spekulation då.
Det börjar även dyka upp diverse historier om folk som tjänat otroliga summor på diverse kryptovalutor. Detta kan inte sluta BRA!
"Bottema told Business Insider Nordic what happened after he went all in on bitcoin.
"I'm not a billionaire yet [in terms of Swedish crowns]," Bottema said, laughing on the phone. "But my capital has grown by a factor of more than one hundred since I sold all my stocks and liquidated my savings in order to buy bitcoins in 2013."" (
Brukar försöka avhålla mig från att försöka säga när diverse tillgångar håller på att toppa, eftersom jag är värdelös på att göra det. Nu tyck dock kryptomanin vara total och slutet är förmodligen nära (6-9 månader bort). Har tidigare försökt peka ut potentiella manier under börsuppgången i
Kina (2015) och
OMXS30 (2015). När en marknad blir manisk tenderar slutet på idiotin vara nära.
Dock kan förstås kryptovalutor som Bitcoin gå upp 300% till, men tidshorisonten för hur länge denna bubbla kan lyckas fortsätta att bestå är i min mening relativt kort. Mekanismen bakom "klassiska bubblor" beskrivs nedan relativt väl av Galbraith och får anses vara en varning till de som spekulerar:
Regulation and more orthodox economic knowledge are not what protect the individual and the financial institution when euphoria returns. There is protection only in a clear perception of the characteristics common to these flights into what must be described as mass insanity. Only then is the investor warned and saved.
The more obvious features of the speculative episode are manifestly clear to anyone open to understanding. Some artifact or some development, seemingly new and desirable captures the financial mind or what so passes. The price of the object of speculation goes up. This increase and the prospect attract new buyers; the new buyers assure a further increase. Yet more are attracted; yet more buy; the increase continues. The speculation building on itself provides its own momentum.
This process, once it is recognized, is clearly evident, and especially so after the fact. So, also, if more subjectively, are the basic attitudes of the participants.
These take two forms:
There are those who are persuaded that some new price-enhancing circumstance is in control, and they expect the market to go up and stay up, perhaps indefinitely. It is adjusting to a new situation, a new world of greatly, even infinitely increasing returns and resulting values.
Then there are those, superficially more astute and generally less in number, who perceive or believe themselves to perceive the speculative mood of the moment. They are in to ride the upward wave; their particular genius, they are convinced, will allow them to get out before the speculation runs its course; They will get the maximum reward from the increase as it continues; they will be out before the eventual fall.
For built into this situation is the eventual and inevitable fall. Built in also is the circumstance that it cannot come gently or gradually. When it comes, it bears the grim face of disaster. That is because both groups of participants in the speculative situation are programmed for sudden efforts at escape. Something, it matters little what, triggers the ultimate reversal.
Those who had been riding the upward wave decide now is the time to get out. Those who thought the increase would be forever find their illusion destroyed abruptly, and they, also, respond by selling or trying to sell. Thus the collapse. And thus the rule, supported by the experience of centuries: the speculative episode always ends not with a whimper but with a bang.
So much is clear. Less understood is the mass psychology of the speculative mood. When it is fully comprehended, it allows those so favored to save themselves from disaster. Given the pressure of this crowd psychology, however, the saved will be the exception to a very broad and binding rule. They will be required to resist two compelling forces: one, the powerful personal interest that develops in the euphoric belief, and, the other, the pressure of public and seemingly superior financial opinion that is brought to bear on behalf of such belief.
Contributing to and supporting this euphoria are two further factors little noted in our time or past times. The first is the extreme brevity of the financial memory. In consequence, financial disaster is quickly forgotten. In further consequence, when the same or closely similar circumstances occur again, some times in only a few years, they are hailed by a new, often youthful, and always supremely confident generation as a brilliantly innovative discovery. There can be few fields of human endeavor in which history counts for so little as in the world of finance.
“that’s the nature of bubbles, they become mass delusions
of some sort.”(Buffett)
“As I’ve noted before, the problem
with what we call the Exit Rule for Bubbles – “you only get out if you panic
before everyone else does” – is that you also have to decide whether to look
like an idiot before the crash or an idiot after it.” (Hussman)