When the markets reverse, everything investors thought they knew will be turned upside down and inside out. "Buy the dips" will be replaced with "what was i thinking?" Just when investors become convinced that it can't get any worse, it will. They will be painfully reminded of why it's always a good time to be risk-averse, and that the pain of investment loss is considerably more unpleasant than the pleasure from any gain. They will be reminded that it's easier to buy than to sell and that in bear markets, all too many investments turn into roach motels: "You can get in but you can't get out." Correlations of otherwise uncorrelated investments will temporarily be extremely high. Investors in bear markets are always tested and retested. Anyone who is poorly positioned and ill-prepared will find there's a long way to fall. Few if any will escape unscathed." (Seth Klarman)
onsdag 15 oktober 2014
Synen på risk och avkastning har börjat förändras
"Someday, professional investors will come to work and fear will have come to the markets and that fear will spread like wildfire. The news flow will be bad, and the markets will be tumbling.
When the markets reverse, everything investors thought they knew will be turned upside down and inside out. "Buy the dips" will be replaced with "what was i thinking?" Just when investors become convinced that it can't get any worse, it will. They will be painfully reminded of why it's always a good time to be risk-averse, and that the pain of investment loss is considerably more unpleasant than the pleasure from any gain. They will be reminded that it's easier to buy than to sell and that in bear markets, all too many investments turn into roach motels: "You can get in but you can't get out." Correlations of otherwise uncorrelated investments will temporarily be extremely high. Investors in bear markets are always tested and retested. Anyone who is poorly positioned and ill-prepared will find there's a long way to fall. Few if any will escape unscathed." (Seth Klarman)
When the markets reverse, everything investors thought they knew will be turned upside down and inside out. "Buy the dips" will be replaced with "what was i thinking?" Just when investors become convinced that it can't get any worse, it will. They will be painfully reminded of why it's always a good time to be risk-averse, and that the pain of investment loss is considerably more unpleasant than the pleasure from any gain. They will be reminded that it's easier to buy than to sell and that in bear markets, all too many investments turn into roach motels: "You can get in but you can't get out." Correlations of otherwise uncorrelated investments will temporarily be extremely high. Investors in bear markets are always tested and retested. Anyone who is poorly positioned and ill-prepared will find there's a long way to fall. Few if any will escape unscathed." (Seth Klarman)
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Kommentarer till inlägget (Atom)
Det är mycket av känslorna man hade 2008-2009 som kommer upp i minnet, när man läser den texten.
SvaraRaderaKommer ihåg när man gick och mumlade citat av Graham och Buffett som ett mantra för sig själv, för att inte låta känslorna ta överhanden och styra ens handlingar.
Vore väldigt spännande att höra någon redogöra lite mer i detalj för hur det var att vara investerad under finanskrisen. Berätta gärna mer, Kalle56! Hur tänkte du, vad gjorde du... osv
RaderaDen här kommentaren har tagits bort av skribenten.
RaderaSjälvklart kommer det att bli "värre".
SvaraRaderaDet räcker med att kolla OMXS index 20 år bakåt i tiden för att se att vi har regelbundna börscykler och att vi nu bara är i början av nerförsbacken.
"The four most dangerous words in investing are 'This time it's different."
(Sir John Templeton)
Håller helt med.
RaderaJa, psykologin väger tungt. Då är det bra med Buffett-citat: http://buffettfaq.com/
SvaraRaderaJag har funderat mycket på vilken sorts investering jag ska fokusera på. Hittills har jag köpt in mig i ett ganska litet antal svenska och amerikanska bolag, ca 10 stora, varav flera investmentbolag. Frågan är om det skulle vara bra att satsa på en större mängd bolag som alla ger stabil utdelning, det pratas om "bombmatta" av utdelningsaktier. Det som tilltalar är kassaflödet. Det som talar emot är den enorma mängd information som behöver processas när aktierna blir 25-50 stycken. Men diversifieringen kan ju föra det goda med sig att risken för att gå in för tungt i ett bolag som fallerar minskar. Det blir lite som en indexfond, men med utdelningar som trillar in. Vad har ni för syn på "bombmattor"? (otäckt ord by the way)
SvaraRaderaHar man ej tid att sätta in sig i enskilda innehav rekommenderas en förhållandevis hög diversifiering.